Cost-Per-Click (CPC) advertising programs are the best money making programs for most of the bloggers/ website owners. They are suitable to all kind of blogs/ website with family-friendly content regardless of their traffic level and age. With proper CPC ads optimization and consistent amount of traffic, a blogger can earn a steady amount of money displaying CPC ads on his/her blog/ website. Google Adsense is no doubt, the undisputed king of CPC advertising programs.
There is another one that you can try. That is Bidvertiser.
There is another one that you can try. That is Bidvertiser.
- Make money from your Website or Blog - get paid for every click!
You get paid for every visitor that clicks on an ad. It enables you to make as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space. Bidvertiser pay monthly, either by check, or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $10
- Always have the highest bidders displayed on your website
BidVertiser will always display the highest bidders on your site, assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time.
- Have your bidding steadily improved over time
You will see a constant improvement in your bidding over time, as both your visitors and the advertisers will be exposed to the opportunity of bidding against each other on your ad space.
- Customize the layout of your ads
BidVertiser gives you a simple point-and-click tool to help you customize the layout of the ads to fit your site's look and feel, in order to retain the high quality of your website.
- Block any unwanted ad

BidVertiser enables you to filter-out any unwanted ads. This mechanism gives you a peace of mind with regards to the ads displayed on your website.
Join BidVertiser now and turn your advertising space into cash!
Simply display the BidVertiser text ads on your website and let advertisers bid against each other!